Ladies what qualities do you look for in a man?

Great list!

Important because a few guys I have dated haven't had any friends

No friends at all? That's really weird. Do you date serial killers?

Does he have a job?

On Tinder and other apps, I don't list my job for privacy reasons. If a job is missing, do you assume he's unemployed and would that be a dealbreaker? Or do you only rule the guy out if he says he's unemployed?

Now that I think about it, I judge women on their stated job and education, so they probably judge me on it too. I've been matching with a lot of women with shitty jobs lately, and I wonder if this is because the women with good jobs are screening me out for not listing a job. I wondering if I should just put something vague like "good job". I don't want to declare my income range either, to avoid gold diggers. What would you suggest?

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