Ladies who only started dating later on (20+), what was your experience?

My friends and I all went to the same college, two hours away, in a major city with other people from our town. At our college, we have a couple major events (midnight carnival, movie in the Quad, etc) a week before school starts as a way of letting freshman get a hang of the campus and do some fun stuff. While at one of these events, I met this guy who was a mutual friend of the group (also from the same city as us). Throughout my freshman year, he joined our friend circle and I was always incredibly close with him. It felt like hanging out was natural and I had known him for years - when the reality was that we just met. Fast forward to the middle of sophomore year, we finally realized our feelings for each other and started dating. We are perfectly happy together still and it's as if I've known him forever and a lifetime. It's one of those relationships that you are sure you will still be friends if we ever do breakup.

I'm really glad I waited until I found someone who I knew was right for me. I was never interested in dating, and didn't even think I would find anyone in college because all the boys were so immature in high school. My suggestion is never settle just because everyone else is in a relationship. Hell, one of my best friends was in a relationship when she was in 6th grade, and I was always the weirdo who was never interested in dating or having sex. Take the time to learn who you are as a person and be comfortable with that before finding a SO. If that doesn't happen, you could be stuck trying to find something in another person and projecting that into them. Don't think that relationships equate to happiness in life, and if you don't have it, you're not happy, because it's not.

/r/AskWomen Thread