LAION launches a petition to democratize AI research by establishing an international, publicly funded supercomputing facility equipped with 100,000 state-of-the-art AI accelerators to train open source foundation models.

If this 'democratic' approach to AI means that any individual or group will be able to decide what AI trains on, it means, for example, that the Woke Left who believe in gender reassignment surgery performed on children will produce AIs which, when prompted, will represent this in a neutral way, as if it's reasonable, sane and normal, and the religious right, who are currently trying to ban books, after outlawing abortion even in cases of rape and incest, will likewise try to make their beliefs seem just like any other body of knowledge that an AI trains on.

If this is what is intended by the democratization of AI, I am opposed to it. We could also talk about medical information. A qualified physician could explain to you how and why vaccines protect you from viral infection, but there are fifty million still unvaccinated Americans who think that's all poppycock, and if an AI is allowed to train on their poppycock beliefs about vaccines, we end up with the dissemination of pseudo-science.

The training of AIs has to be controlled, and overseen by experts, who are well-educated in their respective fields. The knuckle-dragging masses must be kept well away from the process.

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