[Lamar Jackson] I made a bad decision and will set a better example going forward. #Myapologies

TBH I didn't even know who she was until I looked her up last night (she's hot af) but yeah I think you never know what's up on the outside looking in.

Like my ex legit had BPD but just doesn't have any legit friends besides me, so very few people outside her parents would believe the shit she did to me. People saw the social media posts about her driving 2 hours to surprise me on a business trip, heard her talk about how she loves to just listen to me talk for hours, etc. But they didn't hear her scream about how I disrespected her because I explained how HGH is hard to catch on PED tests despite her being a medical professional, then tell me she never wants to talk to me again because I don't respect her. Next day she calls and acts like shit is the same and posts a instagram pic about how in love she is and that I made her a mix on spotify a week before that lmao

Sorry to rant just saying mental shit is really really hard to see sometimes

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