Land expropriation plans to exclude black owned land - Mkhize

I agree. I would give anything to still see the downfall, still within my lifetime.

Everything has entropy, and we all the know the entropy of an African state. We just happen to be living in the time-line where the flow of whites are outwards, and the flow on blacks are inwards. The time-line of regression.

Skip ahead 100/200 years or so, and all this is over with and done. Your great great great grand kids won't even care where SA is on the map. Your family tree will be safely and happy overseas, while the locals in SA wither away in their shacks and crime, with no white people to blame.

YOU are the one that's taking the bullet for them now, being unlucky to be in this current time-line. Just accept that and chillax while the cookie crumbles around you.

Hell, look at Spain. They were ruled and conquered by Muslim invaders. The ones living in that time-line had to bite the bullet, just like you. There's no forward button to skip 100 years to skip all the crap. The current population are free and independent.

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