Land of Liberty and Freedom

Not trying to downplay the atrocities that certainly are disgusting but I would like to add a little nuance to that as a majority of those deaths were caused by disease. My understanding is tons of natives died of small pox without ever seeing a white man.

From your article: "where 90% of the [indigenous people of the Americas] were wiped out in 500 years of European colonization, it can be debatable whether genocide occurs when disease is considered the main cause of population decline since the introduction of disease was mostly unintentional. Some genocide scholars separate the population declines due to disease from the genocidal aggression of one group toward another. Some scholars argue that intent of genocide is not necessary, since genocide may be the cumulative result of minor conflicts in which settlers, or colonial or state agents, perpetrate violence against minority group. Others argue that the dire consequences of European diseases among many New World populations were exacerbated by different forms of genocidal violence, and that intentional and unintentional deaths cannot easily be separated."

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