Landing jobs have been pure luck for me and it comes when I least expects it. Share your experience with fate.

I still disagree with what you say because you cannot reduce luck with your skill as I consider them to be a separate variable that you cannot control. Without luck and opportunity, skills, talent and hard work can easily go to waste.

Sorry if I take this so personally but there is a reason. I have met many successful and unsuccessful people but never a lazy person. This range from millionaires to panhandlers and everyone seems to define their success with hard work, smarts and talent. But seriously, those who are successful have so much going for them that any recognition of their "privilege" would be considered offensive as they think it takes away their personal achievement. Then there's those working paycheck to paycheck nearly 70 hrs a week who thinks that's the only way to move up, never having the time to refine any skills or learn new one. Luck and opportunities are the only thing separate these group. If someone was to give my friend a business and teach him how to run it, he could do it.

People who doesn't make it are confuse on why their formula of hard work doesn't work. Months of leetcodes grinding and personal projects can go to waste when they arent given an opportunity to utilize them. People's opinion are out of your control. Even if you are a rockstar developer, there could be any reason to not being able to find a job, such as bad locations, economics, discrimination, bad chemistry with interviewers etc... People too often look up to those who are more successful but too often those who rises are not their betters. Sorry for confusing ramblimg, I just woke up.

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