Landlord wants to raise rent by 10% and is concerned he won’t be appreciated for it.

I caved and looked at your profile. Holy shit, dude. I respect you for advancing yourself, but your path is not a healthy or good suggestion and you are bei g a bit disingenuous presenting it as some success story.

So yes, you're right that I will absolutely not be quitting my job in patient advocacy in public health research so that I can move away from civilization, live homeless next to a dumpster, and work 4 under the table sub-minimum wage jobs so that I can purchase the hollowed out shell of a shack one day the way you did. I believe I will just keep voting for progressive candidates, advocating for changes that bring the country into the 21st century, and speaking out against a society that has systematically eaten its young so that the old could get and stay fat.

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