Larry King Says Second Amendment Should Be Repealed, Was Created to Stop 'Slave Uprisings'

Having SCOTUS make that decision would strip the right to bear arms from everyone not in the National Guard.

Only at the federal level - state and local rulings would still dictate individual weapons ownership for hunting, hobbyists and self-defense.

'The people' in the 2A never meant 'private individuals' but 'the people' as in the American self-governed body: the 'we the people' people. At a federal level, the 2A clearly is referring to protecting the state-level ability to organize soldiers during a period without a standing national army. It has nothing to do with hunting, or collecting, and the 'self-defense' argument in Heller is an absurdity. A federal mandate for allowing individuals to bear weapons of war tramples all over a states rights to choose what is best suited to their diverse needs.

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