Larry King thinks so little of Rubes show that he takes a phone call during a live broadcast and has casual conversation for 3+ minutes, doesn't apologize. Passive Dave of course says nothing, keeps sipping water non-stop in a panic, you can tell he's raging inside.

I am aggressive. There really is no point in hiding that I’m pissed the fuck off.

But nothing makes the cheese slide right off my cracker when someone is an asshole because someone else asked for help, in any shape or form.

There are idiots who don’t read the pinned comments and ask for help. And then there’s that cynical asshole who doesn’t even attempt to do anything like the ‘idiot’ is. They just choose to be fucking assholes. And you know what fucks up the world MORE than idiots? Assholes who apparently should know better.

But go ahead it’s only reddit, don’t think about anything you do on here, nothing in life really matters right? Why even bother being positive??

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