The last abortion clinic in Mississippi

Actually, all legislation certainly does not cover this: In Mississippi (the location of the centre in question) and Texas at the very least, there is no exception in place in the law for cases of Incest or Rape.

Would I abort an 8 month pregnancy that resulted from rape? I think that should be down to me to decide with an informed decision of all of the options open to me. But regardless, that is very much an extreme, worst case scenario, and not the case with the majority of abortions. I think it needs to be dealt with on a case by case basis and the laws would not permit that.

I agree we should give rape victims psychological support and options, but it’s not as cut and dry - there are so many unreported and un-prosecuted cases of rape and so many who take a long time to come to terms with what has happened, let alone how many may not even realise they are pregnant straight away, and that’s without how difficult it may be trying to get help or an abortion; even if the law were to ‘allow it’ - with restrictions, how would someone go about proving they were raped, and might they meet accusations they were lying for medical access?

Also, birth is a traumatic thing at the best of times - it can change people emotionally and physically - In your “ideal world”, someone would go through two massively traumatic events, and that’s before the knowledge that, if adopted, someone who has biological links to both you, and the person who Raped you is out in the world somewhere, especially in a day and age where Ancestry tracing is a big thing. That could be too much pressure on someone who has been through so much and it might be a burden on the child were they to learn the truth.

It is not ‘Another good idea’ - Frankly, I find that suggestion horrific. Paying people who never consented, to grow within them, give birth to, and raise for the rest of their entire lives, the baby that is the result of an incredible intimate attack on them. Would the financial incentive completely cover the very expensive costs of a child? Would it mean the person could raise the child without having to choose between them and making the money to feed and shelter them both? Where would this money come from? Would it have implications or shame attached?

Another issue with throwing money at victims is that without money, not all women are believed, so with money, it will likely make it against the government’s best interest to believe people. I can see unattainable levels of ‘proof’ being needed that the pregnancy is the result of rape and could lead to even more victim suspiscion and blame than there already is.

Not to mention that providing financial support does not change the fact that they are now raising a child.

Some people chose to anyway - It is also their child, and that is their choice - But that, at the very least, should be their choice to make.

You talk of being against those who do this ‘out of it convenience’ - But if you had any idea of even the most unobtrusive abortion procedures, like just the taking of two tablets, that can be done as an out-patient procedure, you would change your attitude of it being a frivolous decision. It is not an easy decision for most, nor taken lightly and it appears to be very painful experience.

You literally just stated that “The moment the state has the right to decide who lives or dies, human rights are at risk.” - That is exactly what is happening here!! And actually, medical professionals are quite a bit more well versed on when a human becomes sentient, and though I do get what you mean, I still don’t think it’s as black and white as all that.

Abortions are needed for various reasons, including situations where the baby will highly likely die, but if not aborted, the mother will also - Is that sparing life?

What we need, is education and choice. People need to be educated on sex, safe sex and the possible consequences. Rape needs to be taken more seriously and child social care needs to improve vastly.

Many are so focused on controlling whether someone has a right to abort a foetus, even at some of the earliest stages, and yet do not give even adequate resources for the well being of those already ‘in the system’ or struggling.

And that’s not to mention that the same people fighting for ‘Pro-Life’ from even the moment of conception, will also fight tooth and nail against even the most basic gun regulation - which then costs so many lives. How does that compute?

America literally wants more control on women than they do guns.

Look, I’m not an expert on the subject, and I think you genuinely mean well, and are expressing what you think is right, but it’s a very complicated issue, and too much so for such black and white laws to have such authority.

Having a law in place banning abortion doesn’t actually stop it - it just pushes it ‘underground’ and makes it incredibly dangerous on multiple levels.

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