The last few episodes in a nutshell.

This comment was so incredibly boring.

why does anyone even give a fuck about the future timeline?

So many reasons. If black shows up there then it's likely he will show up in the main timeline as well, so they need to learn how to defeat him. On top of that, Trunks asked for help. You know, they guy who saved goku from the heart virus and effectively stopped the main timeline from becoming Trunks timeline?

Beerus and whis give a shit if Zamasu is killing Kiao and stealing time rings, because messing up the timeline pisses Zeno off, and if they can prevent making Zeno mad then they will. Also, black and Zamasu are in their universe in the future timeline, so they can give a shit now or give a shit later, either way they are going to give a shit.

Youre seriously calling this boring and then trying to argue that Zeno should fix it? Yeah that makes a real great story doesn't it, just have Zeno fix all their problems from the start don't even try. Not to mention the repercussions from Zeno finding out about trunks timeline period. It's likely it will take some convincing to let that still be a thing, and everyone on earth owes trunks their lives since he first came back and made them avoid the android devastation. You say it's a deus ex machina, which it could be, but that means it's literally a last resort. It's not near reason enough to pull Zeno in from the start.

You're really bitching about Black's super form. How dare the colors be different right? Why do different things look different on different people? What's up with that?

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