Last hours grind

I am on the SG/MY server - GM now. Not sure if we are on the same server. Been playing smurfs because the higher elo queue is dead (eg: I matched with 2 masters on my 2nd smurf which is G2). IMO, the server don’t play strongest board that much and tend to force a vertical and go for BIS (syn, inno or challengers). I will recommend to either just play strongest board (slam sunfire etc even though morello is preferred late game) or force mercs. It’s much easier to cash out because everyone is forcing BIS so the early game damage is lower. So if you are playing mercs, just force it and focus on econ - especially in lower ranks, you can greed your roll-down at lvl 8. Just focus on making econ. Granted, you will need the APM and a general idea of what to look for

/r/TeamfightTactics Thread