Last month electric heating for my apartment was 300 dollars. I need advice for this space heater.

It defaults to 72 degrees. How low do I need to set it to save money and stay comfortable?

If you keep your extremities warm (thick socks, cap on your head), you might be comfortable as low as 64, but most likely you will do best at 66-70 if you're trying to save energy.

Can I switch it back and forth to my room and the living room?

That is one of the major selling points for a space heater. However, your bedroom is probably easier to seal off and keep warm than your living room.

Does it still use energy when plugged in and off?

If it has some sort of light on it, maybe some trivial wattage, but nothing you'd see on your electric bill.

You might find a small fan to blow air down from the ceiling makes it slightly more efficient, in that heat rises and you'll probably be closer to the floor than the ceiling.

/r/Frugal Thread