The last Secret of Stonehenge

The solstice axis is not in the same place now, as it was then. Due to the earth's wobble.

So to say that it was built, lined up to the sun on the solstice in the ice age, which ended when? 10,500 BC? is to say that Stonehenge is at least that old.

Or are you suggesting that this "Natural Formation" (which honestly I don't fucking buy at all) which "coincidentally happens to line up with the ice age solstice", was there for 6000+ years (wasn't there post holes or something dating to that date as well?) and then in 4300 BC people happened to erect the stones, even though it no longer even lined up with the solstice?

I don't even know what the website is trying to say, and I don't believe them anyway, all I was pointing out is that it wouldn't make any sense for them to line it up with a solstice that already past.

Maybe I'll find a Graham Hancock video to show you.

But besides that, would you quit it with the ban? I mean, it obv doesn't matter. I don't know why I even commented with that account, I know it's shadowbanned, that why I have this one.

But I wasn't trolling. And if you see my history, I'm not one of the /r/conspiratards. My contributions here are a net gain. I just hate it when people say the pyramids were built 2500 years ago. Or the pyramids were. Or the earth is only 6,000 years old.

The majority of these monoliths go wayyy back. Especially the ones that are off the coasts under 100 feet of water.

But I'll relent a bit and say I may have fucked up on Stonehenge, as I can't find anything more right now discussing the likelihood of it being much older. I'm nearly certain Graham Hancock has investigated this though, and his conclusions were based on the alignment of solstice axis on a much earlier date.

I'll try to find more info, you unban that account. On principle. You don't want to be one of these power crazy censoring mods.

Save the banning for the braindead who parrot the official story.

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