The late birthday gift is finally here..

Before I buy the Mirrored Flourishes Outfit, there are 2 things which make me curious aside of [Look]: [SFX] and [Ultimate], which people once argued this outfit doesn't have any significant change in visual compared to the Default Outfit by the time Mirrored Flourishes Outfit released as a very main part of Spending Event.

So, after I bought it, I recorded 2 videos: one recorded SN with Default Outfit, while another recorded SN with Mirrored Flourishes.

Then, I noticed some has changed when SN using Mirrored Flourishes instead of Default, but most changes are from SN, as Veliona, aka you:

▪︎At the end of Ultimate [ Saule -> Veliona ], spawned tentacles will have fainted red instead of total-black, with half of it on the ground is covered by some kind of woods, or something.

▪︎Also about the Ultimate end, red flowers will appear then flying upon Dark Dimension's break.

▪︎The background is still more white n' black the less time Claws of Nyx is in effect, but red ash is replaced by red flower's petal.

▪︎Veiliona Claw's wrist is now a flower.

▪︎Backward Evasion will drop water drop and some flower's petals instead of only red ink. Frontward Evasion is no change, however (or it is just me?).

▪︎2nd, 3rd, 4th ATK Sequence and Charged ATK will briefly release little flowers.

▪︎The noticeable change during ATK Sequences is 4th one.

▪︎Idk if I missed something, or I'm done writing about the visual change.

Aside of those changes above, Saule is, however, received few changes, if I'm not saying the change is no different to Default Outfit aside of appearance change.

Though I think this is due to the fact that SN as Veliona is being used more than Saule because of High DMG and ability to charge Heavy ATK Trauma, Saule should also have SFX and Ultimate [ Veliona -> Saule ] changed too. A personality has nearly whole things changed while another one has nothing changed, which is somewhat... strange.

/r/u_watspazzword Thread Link -