Lately a lot of people have been saying school (especially high school) is useless and you learn nearly nothing you're actually going to use later in your life. Adults of reddit, what are your opinions on this?

This is such a dumb woke take. Chairs usually have four legs, a platform horizontal to the floor, and a vertical plate on one side. There's not many other ways to build a chair unless you're trying to get creative for the point of getting creative and not to make the chair any better at being a chair.

The average highschool in the US is 750 students. How else are you supposed to effectively teach them in a controlled environment without relying on establishing order that has no other effective methods. Nobody is twirling their mustache and patting themselves on the back by pulling the wool over societies eyes in the form of brainwashing pubescent children and hormonal teenagers on a global scale. That's what the military is for. Nobody on Earth deserves that much credit. Not even the Illuminati.

You are ridiculous for saying this and you need to get out more.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent