The Latest: Police: Race Not Motive Behind Video Attack

Who is pretending that the black kid wasn't raped? I swear you people are deluded, look on social media and the overwhelming majority of comments are sympathizing with the victim and calling for justice against the criminals. You've so indoctrinated yourself with this idea that a majority of people hating black people that you can't even look outside and see that it isn't true. Both cases are horrible and deserve justice, and shouldn't reflect on the color of one's skin just because the criminals shared that same skin color.

Plus the reality is that there isn't some epidemic of white on black crime if you actually look at empirical evidence. Your just so dead set on anger and hate that you fall victim to confirmation bias. Is there corruption and racist within police forces and court systems in the US that is based on historical disenfranchisement of black people? Of course. But again, that is something a majority of Americans find appalling. Black on white crime is multiple times higher than white on black crime, yet you don't see a majority of sane white American's claiming that black people finally get a parallel of what white people have to face.

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