I laughed out loud at this email. Holy shit. Luckily I have 3 jobs and can afford to give my effective immediately notice when I show up tomorrow. Lol.

there isn't a ethical option on my list of insurance providers

That's because insurance companies are intrinsically unethical. Let's call them "companies" rather than "providers" because let's face it, insurers don't provide anything.

  • They collect money from members, not allowing members to suspend/change coverage aside from open enrollment periods and "qualifying events."

  • They refuse to pay for needed procedures, letting their business interests dictate the health of the member.

  • They refuse to pay healthcare providers the full amount for their services, leaving providers to charge obscene amounts for their services in the hopes of covering their expenses on whatever the insurer decides to pay out.

Like most middleman services, they add no value to the original transaction and increase expense, bureaucracy, and difficulty.

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