Launching a Halo game without a co-op campaign is unacceptable

Man this sucks. I've always played solo first on heroic, followed by legendary solo and then co-op with friends after. But this one was different. My girlfriend's studying abroad for the year and only recently got a series S as a way to spend time together instead of face-timing. She never really liked gaming but we started playing through MCC co-op and she's in love with it now. Last 2 missions of Reach and then halo 4 left to play. We were both really looking forward to playing through infinite fresh together on launch. I've also had friends who've moved to PC after the 360 days and have really fallen off halo message me excited to get everyone back and all play through the campaign together. It really is just a baffling decision not to launch with co-op.

I know these are only personal gripes and probably wouldn't have mattered much to me on previous games but I'm far from the only one who was really excited to play though first with friends and it's also just worrying for the overall state of the game. I know they've built a new engine from scratch but at the end of the day it'll have been 6 years since halo 5. I just can't wrap my head around delaying a game a full year and then still deciding to push it out before it's complete. No co-op, no forge, no assassinations (almost definitely gonna be mtx), still not certain on whether ray tracing is there at launch (I know they said it wouldn't but that was before they delayed it so shouldn't it be there now?) and there's probably more of these disappointing announcements to come. Also no playable elites, which alone is fine but do we have anything new that's making up for the loss of content that was there in previous games? All we've seen is 4v4 and BTB, is there a warzone type game or something new in infinite coming? We haven't seen anything. Just keep it delayed and release it when it's finished. You can't have a "10 year game" if everyone is bored after 2 or 3 months and leaves to play something else before you actually add content that should have been there already.

/r/halo Thread