The layman's guide to solo flawlessing all dungeons before 2/22/22

I used graviton with bottom tree for the entire dungeon. Most things died to vortex gernades and witherhoard. Gernade damage recharges your melee, I tried to throw them on larger targets to benefit more. Iirc even the boss with proc it while immune.

While invisible and surrounded your smoke recharges much faster. I did my best not to rush the cool down, staying invisible until the next charge was ready. With 80 strentgh and 1 gernade kickstart I was very close to 100% uptime. Little over 1 second waiting, staying surrounded removes that problem drastically. I would have my smoke back with 5 seconds of invisibility remaining. Plus gamblers dodge for a quick smoke recharge when needed.

I didn't spec into any damage buffs. Taking charge for protective light. If my shield did break, I could quickly go invisible. Regain postion and collect an orb generated by witherhoard.

It took me 2 phases. At the start I would witherhoard and sword the boss. When ads spawn I used my super, quiver does good damage and bypasses the shields. Dps was over I would rotate in circles going invisible letting everything die to witherhoard.

The final boss took me 4 phases. Instead of a sword I ran witherhoard and fusions. Gernade launcher and fusion finders on my helmet. Witherhoard boss while moving, fusion when u can but mostly at the end.

Here is my boss room run. Only was close to death once when I didn't have any of the 3; gernade, dodge, or smoke.

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