A layman's look at /r/CoonTown propaganda

Ashkenazi Jews

It took Ashkenazi Jews 4.5 years to get PAST the white American pay scale.

First, let me just say that /u/eagleshigh is the moderator of /r/gasthekikes, which is as horrid as it sounds. He has also said, repeatedly, that the Holocaust was a hoax to create a Jewish state. I don't think he's the best person to talk about anything related to Jews at all.

Furthermore, several Google searches yield no results whatsoever about this supposed " 4.5 years to get PAST the white American pay scale." Given this guy's history of bullshitting and his "sources" that we briefly saw above, I'd take this with a grain of salt. A lot more than just one grain of salt, actually.

Ignoring a bunch of shit because R2

Everyone was oppressed, so black people are racially inferior

Fact of the matter is, EVERY group of people has been oppressed.

It depends on the definition of "oppression," but let's just assume that every people in the world have been oppressed before. This in no way means that everyone was oppressed in the exact same way. Clearly, the oppression of Irish indentured laborers was fundamentally different from the oppression of African chattel slaves. The oppression of Koreans under Japanese rule was also fundamentally different from the oppression of Jews under the Holocaust. There are different types of oppression, since the word is a pretty vague term, and it's obvious that not "EVERY group of people" have been subject to decades of chattel slavery relatively recently.

Japanese Internment

The Japanese had all of their belongings taken and round up into concentration camps. When they came out they had nothing.

It is true that most Japanese Americans lost much of their possessions and properties (source ):

The internees lost both property and income. Property losses resulted from fire sales prior to internment, the inability to manage property or service mortgages while incarcerated, and damage and theft of stored property due to neglect or poor storage facilities

Another source

Actually, since you bring up property, one of the biggest hardships of Japanese American internment was the massive loss of property.

Shop owners usually came back to their store fronts vandalized, graffitied with racist slurs, or simply burnt down.

Many farmers lost their land, houses, and property.

And a house that was labeled Japanese with the owners interned was certainly targeted for vandalism and theft.

The racism component was a major factor.

That being said, it is true that the conditions within the internment camps, while not even close to comfortable, were much better than a camp in Russia or Germany.

However, based on my research, I think it is an exaggeration to say that (emphasis mine) "all their belongings were taken," though I could be wrong on this. Furthermore, the Japanese Americans were not, again, subject to decades of chattel slavery in the internment camps, and I'm pretty sure the average Japanese American in 1945 was more educated than the average emancipated slave in 1865 (and again, this being because of stuff like the slave codes and the system of chattel slavery, rather than racial inferiority). Comparing Japanese Americans and newly freed slaves is a false comparison.

Chinese immigrants

The Chinese were treated worse then blacks. Ever see any of the laws enacted on Asian immigration from the late 1800s to the early 1900s?

Alright. So have you ever heard of an anti-immigration law (like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882) that allowed:

  • Widespread chattel slavery of ethnic Chinese people in the United States?

  • Some states to officially bar Chinese people from reading?

  • Chinese people, including women and children, to be regularly sold by their employers?

  • Chinese workers to be forbidden under the pain of severe punishment (like whipping) to find a new job?

  • Chinese women to be regularly coerced into sex with their employers?

  • Children of Chinese workers to be forced to work for the employers of their parents for the rest of their lives?

If you have not heard of one or more of these things, then no, the anti-Chinese sentiments, pogroms/riots, and legislations, even though they were pretty horrible, did not mean the Chinese immigrants were treated worse than black chattel slaves.

Ad hominem. Without a trace of irony.

I'm probably arguing with some kid who has no history knowledge.

First, (I think) I'm not a kid. And I like to imagine that I have some history knowledge, although that's not really objective, I guess. At least I'm pretty sure I know more history than you.

"Again, don't forget the Irish slaves!"

Irish slaves were treated worse then any black slave. They didn't care whether they lived or died.

Because "But Irish slaves, Irish slaves, Irish slaves" is such a perfect way to get people to listen to your bullshitty racist ideas, right?


Racists are fucked up. But I knew that already, didn't I?

Alsohelpusat/r/AgainstTheChimpireracistsaredownvotingeverything ;)

/r/badhistory Thread