Le both sides

I would have probably made this post myself a couple years ago, but I've since realized it's kind of a misrepresentation of actual centrists. There's a lot of issues on which someone might lean a small bit left or right, but are still "center" to the two party's platforms. This does not require being lazy or not thinking about it.

Centrists opinions I kinda agree with: -Gun bans are unconstitutional, but further background checks are needed -Mental healthcare should be made more accessible in response to mass shootings -Birth control being made more accessible to reduce abortions

Now, there's obviously more to those issues, but the centrist opinion may be more realistic and much easier to argue with non-centrists on either side. I agree there's a lot of lazy fucks who wanna feel superior for not knowing/caring and "LOL BOTH SIDES ARE DUMB" is an easy way to that - but I would not equate them with actual centrists, who hold centrist views for actual reasons.

/r/im14andthisisdeep Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it