Lead me on for 9 months? Two can play at that game.

well, it still seems like you just dont want to experience that situation of her being angry and possibly losing her as a friend, I understand this, however, in my experience I have realized that if I genuinely care, I will do whatever it takes to help a friend realize something about themselves that is destructive, not wait and hope for someone else to do it. No, it is not your responsibility to "fix" her like someone has said, But the question is if you care enough about this person to help them, even if they get angry, throw a fit, dont want to talk to you or associate. If she is a genuine friend she will come around and realize you were trying to help, However long that takes. And this doesnt mean taking her in either, I believe you can help someone if you are willing and you care, but you must also remove negativity from your life. you are further developed in respects to learning how to be responsible etc, she isnt, help her realize that(by telling her, not by letting her piggyback off of you and you holding her hand the whole way) and she will come around in time, and if she doesnt, Welp. you tried. life is not a series of happy endings. But you KNOW you made an effort to help her to the best of your ability without hurting yourself in any way(and no, this is not selfish). Look out for yourself and lookout for others, but don't destroy yourself helping someone else. Think of this as well, do you want a friend that does not respect your advice? someone so immature they will not listen to good advice or know it when they hear it? this is what I meant by water seeks its own level. you and her are not on the same page, therefore you are bound to separate, accept that. maybe you two will be on the same page eventually, telling truth is a step towards that, and if she seems accomplished and responsible later in life but never comes to you out of pride, you dont want that in your life anyway.

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