Leaders in charge of creating PT programs, stop being lazy and only running every day.

The reason I make my platoon run 3-4 times a week is because I know for a fact none of them run on their own but they go to the gym on their own. So why would I waste time doing anything other than cardio during PT then? We don't just jog for 5 miles every day. I mix it up with a 5-6 mile day in ability groups, a track day for speed training, and then sprint drills on the other 1-2 days. Everyone in my platoon is capable of maxing the 2 mile and they are quickly improving.

Joe's are lazy and they say they want better workouts until they have to do them and then they don't want to do them anymore. So guess what? I have to baby them and make them work on what they need to work on.

/r/army Thread