Leading geneticist George Church says reversing the aging process in humans could be 20 years away - 60 Minutes

Im going to get a lot of hate for this but it’s a comment and it matches the post.

If I ever get the possibility for extended or even better, immortal life, I’m taking it. No second thoughts.

My life is so empty and I’ve just spent so much time working and sleeping the rest. Adulthood is REALLY shitty. Just in and out of homelessness due to illness when not working.

I could experience what I didn’t before, pick a new career, explore what I haven’t. I’ll even work unpaid for like 30 years for anyone who wants to make me immortal cause I can finally enjoy just being alive for once, and after that time is up, I can finally just live in the wilderness for the rest of time and not have to see another human ever again, ideally.

Yes this is an ad if some billionaire wants a decade or more long unpaid sex slave or something.

/r/Futurology Thread Link - cbsnews.com