Why League of Legends is the best video game.

So you aren't bashing league, just OP? Because that's much better. I hardly think you have grounds to question OP's previous standing in SC based only on your opinion that starcraft's meta is better than he described it. If he has his facts straight and there have been that few rebalances since the game's release, then it seems obvious that overpowered units dominate the game. I can believe that all of those few rebalances were huge and had much farther-reaching impact than any one of the hundreds of small patches that LoL has put out. But are giant, earth-shattering rebalances like that inherently better? I would argue not. If there have been so few, then there must have been a huge wait time between each, leaving users being dominated by others with OP units waiting and wondering if they'll ever have the chance to be competitive or if they're only there to feed those with inherent advantages. (Unless they released them all in a concentrated cluster, which seems even less efficient.) On top of that, large patches like that have much higher potential for swathes of bugs that require dozens of smaller patches to rectify. There's no use arguing that these SC rebalances contained no bugs and required no fixes. Maybe it isn't impossible, but it's as near as makes no difference, imo.

Compare that, then, to LoL's style of rebalancing which involves many many small patches which are released several times a month. By doing it this way, they are able to get immediate feedback on each small change. Players can often see the changes they seek mere days after encountering the issue at hand. There's always something new to see, something that's been edited and reworked to better suit play styles and keep the game fresh. Sometimes issues can even be addressed before the community at large is even acutely aware of them. I don't imagine that this has EVER happened with SC, but I can't back that up since I'm only going off of your and OP's descriptions here.

Add these points to all of those already laid out by OP (some of which I reiterated), and I think anyone can see that Riot is a far superior gaming company. Though I can understand if someone has simply invested so much of their life into SC that they feel obligated to defend it despite all-around desolate user support.

God didn't save Freddie, and he's the only Queen I cared about.

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