League of legends ruined my dating!

Great story though! I'll give you my advice. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. We started dating when I was 16 and he was 18. He had always been a gamer but I only played like Sims and GTA. 2 years after after we started dating, he found League and started to play it religiously, I had already tried it once a few months earlier but I hated the game, so I was a bit salty he started to play it and not make time for me as much as he used to. He was in college 2 hours away from me but I would visit him a lot and spend weeks with him and so I started bonding with his friends too who also played League. Basically they spent their afternoons and nights playing League and I would just watch them. I was really bored until I actually started liking it and understanding it. When S3 Worlds started I decided to watch the pro scene and I became addicted. I didn't play though, just loved to watch. A year later I started playing and now we spend our weekends playing League and having fun at home and we're very happy.

With this, I want to tell you that don't let League stop you from getting into the dating scene. I hated League, but I finally embraced it and now it's my favourite thing to do on my free time just because my boyfriend played it. So if you meet a girl you actually like, even if it's not adventurous and passionate like that girl was, don't think it won't be worth it, it might be even better. What happened with that girl, keep it as memory, you'll always have feeling for that girl and she will always be special, but it was not meant to be, so treasure it and remember it, but let it go. Make the best out of what you have, you'll probably find someone you will really like and you can teach her how to play League and you guys will be very happy like I am.

Good luck and don't give up friend, you'll find what you're looking for, eventually :)

Sorry for the long post. Can't do no TLDR.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread