Leah's kids and Mountain Dew

I have two kids. I don't keep pop in the house at all, and they rarely have juice. My eight year old has had pop on "special occasions," (thanks, relatives!) but she's never had a single cavity in her life. I've always made sure they both brush their teeth and see the dentist regularly. My 2 and 1/2 year old, who has never drank anything but breast milk, cow milk, or water, recently had to be treated for four cavities. Being that he's so little, he had to be put under to have them filled. I felt horrible! Basically, the dentist said it's due to genetics and the way his teeth are shaped. I can't even imagine how bad it would've been if I'd allowed him to drink sugary stuff on a regular basis...

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread