Leaked Data From 30,000 Swiss Bank Accounts Reveals Mass Tax Avoidance

Nice try with the evil rich people thing. This has nothing to do the morality of having, making, or spending money. Why can't you take an argument at its core and actually attempt to refute the points instead of trying to bring it to the media talking point of this class warfare bullshit.

The terribleness of dodging taxes is we live in a country where that tax money is expected of the people to pay for services and infrastructure that is used on a daily basis. If one person isn't paying their taxes, it's an unfair burden on the people that are. If yuo want to abolish taxes entirely, you have the power to try and run that up the chain.

As it's already been attempted here: I'm NOT discussing the benefits we get from said taxes. I'm NOT talking about 'squeezing dem rich folk for cash'. I'm NOT talking about people in poverty and their contribution or benefit from the system.

What I AM talking about is that it is absurd that we have a system where a majority of people work and pay taxes, but we accept that a select few can cheat the system because... they earned it? Because they were smarter? What?

It's a crime. It's criminal activity. Above all else, it's people taking advantage of the benefits of a system while not participating in giving into it.

These aren't people without the means to move somewhere else. These aren't people without the means to pay the taxes that they owe. These are people who are exploiting loopholes at best, or simply breaking the law at worst, and people are DEFENDING it.

If you don't want to pay taxes, don't live in a country that taxes its citizens.

If you think the elite dodging taxes is somehow going to make anything better for anyone, you are absolutely out of your mind. This pipe dream of "Well if we all start cheating our taxes the government will have to stop or cut funding programs I disagree with!!!!" will never happen. The lower class is held on by a thin rope from the benefits and services given to them so that they do not as a collective completely revolt. And if we cut them off completely, it WILL happen. People will not starve and freeze and die silently.

If you don't care about these people because they aren't you, at least accept that the only reason they aren't firebombing the suburbs and cities is because they have just enough to get by that they don't want to lose it.

Fucking shame on the human race that thinks even the least we can do is too much.

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