Leaked video reveals a GOP plan to intimidate Black and brown voters in Houston

it's not necessarily lies per say, it's just tons of vague conjecture based on little to no evidence. You sound so confident and you act like you have so many reasons for this to be true but in reality every point you made is just a cynical prediction of the worst possible outcome. Being cynical doesn't equate with being realistic. Based on everything you said here I'm assuming you're just cynical about everything and (in 2019) assumed Trump was gonna win again (or at least it would be a close election), that mitch mcconnell would win too, and also they democrats would have absolutely no chance of getting senate and house majority. And guess what, all of those things happened. America sucks and the Republicans cheat, but that doesn't mean it's reasonable to just assume everything is completely fucked and there's no chance at all of anything good happening in 2022

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