Want to learn Spanish so that I can connect with my boyfriends family

I love Spanish Language Coach 's Intermediate level podcasts with Cesar! He's on spotify and Apple or whatever podcast things. (Don't start with episode 1, they don't build on each other and the production values have increased a lot since the launch of the podcast.) I think Cesar has a beginner one now too, but the intermediate is probably good for you with some spanish/french background. The transcripts and vocab help are all available for free on the website too. It's much better than the Duolingo stuff. When I was B1 level i found any real TV or radio and whatever to be just way over my head and this helped me bridge my listening comprehension gap btwn b1 and b2. It's great for listening practice. He has a spain accent but not a terrible one.

But i have some bad nooz 4 u - Dominican spanish is going to be VERY hard to understand, it's very far away from the kind of spanish we learn in school and for which there are a lot of resources, which is usually Mexican or Espainish or Colombian. There are almost no resources to get exposed to the peculiar DR brand of pronunciation and vocabulary. I live in Little DR here in NYC (up in Washington Heights) and I hear platano spanish basically every day, and I understand Italian (a language I have never studied) better than DR spanish!

Mais heureusement pour toi, tu as l'occasion d'assister a l'ecole horizontale (comme on dit en francais) . . .

/r/Spanish Thread