Learning to accept that I will never be loved

I was there, right there at 27.

I'm 30. I'm not there anymore.

Love yourself. Live for yourself. You don't need any other person to validate your existence.

That was the key for me. I stopped giving a crap about other people. I started taking care of myself. I didn't then, and I don't now "need" anyone.

And I'll be damned if the minute I started caring about myself, and stopped caring about needing someone else, did my other half, my partner showed up.

I'm still depressed. I've been living with chronic depression and generalized anxiety my entire life. Those things do not magically disappear because I've found love.

But by refusing to lower my standards, by taking care of myself and learning that I did deserve more than idiots that can't handle a full grown woman... I found I was open to a healthy relationship. For the first time in my life.

I know you're tired. So was I. Still am, a lot of days. I'm not trying to express the tripe "oh just be positive" - we all know that's a bunch of bull.

I am telling you to take care of yourself. I am telling you that you are strong. I am telling you that you are worth it. And I'm telling you that another person will never be able to do as much for you as you can do for yourself.

And the right partner for you will support your Independence, your strength. And they will support you through the bad days too.

Your worth is not measured by the people that care about you. Your worth is intrensic, and independent of any other human being.

You are worth it.

/r/depression Thread