I recently got super into the MCU movies, by recently i mean literally on Sunday. Starting from the beginning of most people’s suggested ‘watch order’, i’m just about halfway through. Just finished GOTG2. I feel like I’ve been missing out for all these years, but on the bright side it’s nice that I can speed through all the movies and quickly learn the backstories for each characters just in time for Endgame.
My all time single favorite moment in any of the movies so far (this may be a surprise to some of you) is when in The Incredible Hulk, the Hulk turned and super clapped to push the explosion away from Betty. In that moment my jaw dropped and I spoke out loud “holy shit.” I was seriously shook when i saw that, i really wish the Hulk was like that in the Avengers. What a shame.
There were a lot of other great single moments so far but that is absolutely one that stands out. I think my favorite movie so far is GOTG 1 or Thor 1.