I want to leave my relationship

Ok. Needs include food, water, or a career. A girlfriend is a want. Nobody needs an SO to survive. Focus on a hobby, something that you like to do! Anything but the whole world abusing you. You're being very broad. The world is not waking up to abuse you.

If you really think about it, you might be tortured after death as well. You don't know. So, suicide isn't really that great of an idea. Why did you get on reddit rather than going to a police station or a facility, where there are people trained to handle things like this. People don't owe you help. There is help to help yourself. There are people that are in domestic abuse situations, children being raped by people who are supposed to love them, people lit on fire when they speak out about things that are wrong, people killed because of the color of their skin, parents abusing their children. These people suffer from concrete things, things that other people are actually doing to them. You woke up and the WORLD was abusing you.

There must be something else going on because the world just didn't wake up and just pick you as a victim. If they did, they will have succeeded because you are letting everything push you over the edge! O_O Get off of reddit. Go get a therapist or go to a facility where someone can help you. Or call 9-1-1 or go to the police station. Contact a parent or a friend. Idk! Just get off of here and go find someone you care about or who cares about you and tell them how you feel. Don't guilt me about whether or not I "won't" help you. I didn't speak to you for shits and giggles. You're clearly suffering from something no one on here actually understands. Please, go find someone who actually is trained to help others with mental issues. At least, find something that you're good at and do that. Everyone suffers. Everyone does. It doesn't mean that you have to give up. Also, seriously, no one really knows what happens after death. You might keep suffering after death, then what?

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