Leaving Innodt Isle, at sea!

Liruh comes back down the Golden Bells because he heard Caelin shouting about something. When he got over to the action he saw Caelin and another sitting down. The other man was applying alcohol and bandages to some serious looking wounds.

Liruh: Hey Caelin did you rescue this guy coming out of the marine blockade?

Liruh turns to the man and sees he's badly wounded

Liruh: Well, some alcohol and bandages won't help you recover completely! We have a large blue fish in the fridge i'll go see what I can whip up and be right back.

Liruh walks away towards the kitchen, remembering that he is still wearing weights! He goes into the training room and removes the weights from his legs. Then begins to stretch his muscles before realizing the stench on his body. He was sweating profusely causing his white button up shirt to get drenched. He removes the shirt and walks into the kitchen. He finds a large wooden bucket.

*Liruhs Thoughts: Hmm, he must use this landry

Liruh fills the bucket up with warm water and soap and places his shirt inside to wash it. He then turns to the fridge openning it and taking out the Large Blue fish he had caught just hours before, although he had to let it defrost for a bit before cooking. So he wandered around the kitchen looking for ingredients to use in the next meal. He eventually finds Pho noodles and some Meatballs.

Liruh's Thoughts: Hmm, these are popular in South Blue so i wonder how Caelin knew about them coming from south blue.

Liruh opens the packet of noodles and places them into a large bowl. He looks in one of the cabinets and finds powdered broth he could use to serve with the noodles and fish. Liruh grabs a large pot from under the sink and fills it with warm water. He then places the pot on top of the stove and turns the stove to max. Soon, the water came to a boil and he poured the broth powder into the pot and began stirring. Turning the stove back down a bit to 5/9 he turned and began filleting the fish. After, finishing filleting the fish he dumps all of the meat into the pot and throws away the bone. While, the fish and broth cooked he then searched for vegetables.

*Liruhs Thoughts: Hopefully this giant man doesn't only eat meat.

Suprisingly Caelin did have some vegetables. He found some mint leaves and cilantro. He cut up the cilantro and places the pieces into to the side. Liruh turned around and put the stove back to max as the food was nearly finished. Liruh then picked apart the leaves and put them into a tiny bowl he had found next to the stove. The meal was ready! He grabbed three large bowls and poured the broth into each of them after he placed the noodles into the bowl. After that he placed the meatballs and mint leaves into the bowl. The meal had come together perfectly! He put the three bowls onto a platter and headed out to the deck.

Liruh: Hey! Meals finished It's Pho Hai San, pho is really popular in south blue and im surprised you had it in the kitchen*

Liruh hands both men their bowls when he forgets the grab silverware! He darts back into the kitchen and grabs six chopsticks and three spoons from the drawer next to the kitchen and runs back out onto the deck.

Liruh: Well sorry about that! Haha

Liruh hands the men two chopsticks and a spoon each.

Liruh: So, new guy how'd you get those wounds? The marine blockade rough ya up?

Liruh begins eating the bowl of Pho Hai San

/r/StrawHatRPG Thread Parent