Why is the left against voter ID laws?

Do any of the following, which all require ID's, marginalize disadvantaged groups?

Alcohol, cigarettes, opening a bank account, applying for food stamps, applying for welfare, applying for Medicaid/social security, applying for unemployment or a job, renting/buying a house or applying for a mortgage, driving/buying/renting a car, getting on an airplane, getting married, purchasing a gun, adopting a pet, renting a hotel room, applying for a hunting license, fishing license, buying a cell phone, going to a casino, picking up a prescription, HOLDING A RALLY OR PROTEST, donating blood, buying an M rated game, buying nail polish, and cold medication.

Just a few of the many things that require an ID to get. But, requiring one to vote, which is one of the most important things CITIZENS can do, does not require an ID, because of muh marginalization?

The democrats are against voter ID laws because without the illegal alien's voting in their favor, would lose a lot more elections.

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