THe lEFt hAS becOMe so eXtrEmE i'vE been FoRCed TO mOvE RiGHt

But one point of view is based in truth and the other isn’t.

Like if you want to believe life begins at conception cuz it’s your religion that’s cool but science sure as shit doesn’t say that and any nation with freedom of religion shouldn’t make laws based on that belief just like they shouldn’t outlaw pork or mandate head coverings.

There is no way to justify indefinitely locking up children and depriving them of adequate shelter and healthcare. There is no different point of view (besides racism) that can justify those actions.

And that’s totally ignoring that abortion itself is a manufactured controversy to secure Protestant votes for conservative policies. It’s pretty well documented that even evangelicals supported Roe vs Wade when it happened. We’re taught separation of church and state in grade school, it took a serious and decades long propaganda campaign to make abortion an issue and all its done is make people vote against their economic interests for decades because if people really wanted to stop abortions they’d fund Planned Parenthood and provide healthcare for poor people, both of which would humanely prevent more abortions than any draconian ban ever would.

So your downvotes are because you’re wrong and there is no irony, not because you dared to dissent, I just want to make sure you’re aware. This whole sub is about making fun of the idea that “both sides are the same” and you just essentially said that with more words, proving the very idea this meme is making fun of.