That Leftist “Philosophy” is Justification to Satisfy the Most Depraved Appetites

My friend, let us be honest with one another. Where is the meaning in the atheistic life? Where is the honor in it? Where is the glory? Where is the excellence? And I ask the same of modernism and democracy and all the other errors since the 16th century.

Do you not love your father more than any other man? Your mother more than any other woman? Where then, do we see equality in nature? Democracy is therefore contrary to nature.

Excellence is begotten by leadership, not by vote. We look up to heroes, not a bureaucratic machine. Do your local leaders even know who you are? Democratic governments, being godless, do not have your best interest at heart, it has no heart. Your vote is power, and your vote is all the oligarchs care for.

Look at how many young men in democracy who have not reached their potential. Some may never reach even ah ounce of what they are capable of. What are they doing in life?

Who benefits in democracy? Do the oligarchs not take all the gains? Who advocates for the poor and weak?

If democracy was truly good, you would see the leaders serve their people.

Democrat leaders say republican voters are deplorable and they punch down. This is democracy. Where the leaders of a nation hate the very people of that nation.

I asked for your story—your vision for yourself. You have none. You live for the moment, no? And I wonder where you find peace. Democracy does not love you. America and all western democracies do not love you.

Atheists do not love, they only show compassion when compassion serves their own ends. Do you not see the depravity, vanity, and meaningless of western democracies?

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