Legal Source for the Patient to get access to his Medical Records

No, not "determined to view" them in a negative light, it's more of a realistic view. I am relatively new to healthcare in the US, and I had a major thing last year. Everyone was a mess, both times in the hospital, and all out-patient physicians afterwards. I could substantiate that with evidence, but that wouldn't be for reddit.

And certainly my last comment didn't express "determined to view". That was *completely* neutral, just asking back if I understood what you wrote correctly. Maybe you missed the question mark.

But yes, what I encountered so far was pretty terrible, by pretty much everyone. Physicians (in the ER they can even be rude), technicians, nurses, receptionists, software programmers, pharmacists, data entrists, my health insurance company, ... my guess now is that everyone else is just putting up with it, I'm the only one complaining about it. Everyone else just swallows the same shit because they know they can't change it anyway.

Well, thanks, you've been very helpful, but my previous comment you must have misunderstood.

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