Legend Tierlist

S Tier

These Legends can and should basically be in most team combs if possible. Everything about their kit is helpful for the team and themselves. They are for the most part flawless and good for both offensive and defensive playstyles.

A Tier

Great on their own and helpful for the team. They can fit in most teams combs and do well, but require more thinking and skill to be useful. Basically hard to learn but once mastered, they can have S Tier levels of priority in teams depending on the comb.

B Tier

Can be good but don't fit in every team. They can be picked for specific combs but don't offer flexibility on playstyle choices. Or simply don't offer enough compared to the other Legends.

C Tier

Very niche or not optimal in most situations. Requires specific scenarios and areas to be useful or use the full potential.

/r/apexlegends Thread Link - i.imgur.com