Legends Rising: A Documentary Series - all 6 parts

That narrative is kind of retarded. The way I see it, Bjergson is, mechanically, ridiculously good - but there are diminishing returns on how much that means for your success as a player. Sure, there's a percentile to be met to force people to fear you, but once you've reached that point, winning the game becomes about the smallest and most mundane things that can be forgotten by those who lean on their mechanic-crutches.

If there was a way to measure your mechanical skill, I'm sure Faker and Bjergson would be so close that the difference would be negligible. The thing that separates them is Faker's ability to play without responding to anything. Faker does not play your game, you exist within his. Most players are reactionary, albeit very good, but they require the situation to take place and compute the best outcome very quickly and attempt to execute it. Many great players fall in this category, such as Froggen. But Faker alone has the ability to play without the situation occurring, he does not play the reactionary game and instead plays the game he envisions, which makes him truly unbeatable if his confidence in himself is high. You cannot beat that which dictates the outcome.

I remember, when I played youth sports, the most useful piece of advice I ever received was that I needed to quit trying to fix what was going wrong, and instead, "envision what you want to happen". I'd sit there, eyes closed, and imagine myself making a specific back-shoulder throw to the right goal post and every time I did, I'd score, and it just felt... correct, like it was what was supposed to happen. I just couldn't do it a lot, there were lots of times where I was too uneasy about even attempting to make the throw to visualize it, or not confident enough in another element of the game to want to attempt it, losing that lion in my heart. I think that is what happened to Faker during some of this split.

The problem is, for everyone else, that Faker has found his confidence. He'll carry that team to win World's this year, and he will go down as the greatest, most transcendent player to ever play the game.

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