Lesbian relationships are meaningful. They are every bit as meaningful and legitimate as straight relationships. Today, my boyfriend learned that the hard way.

Damn that is one helluva story. I expected you to go to town with another woman behind your boyfriend's back. Although I am glad it wasn't that, it wasn't cool that you kissed them. I know you know this so moving on.

To be entirely honest, us guys STILL think this way? I thought we were... Away from this stage. Me personally, I do not mind lesbians one bit. They are awesome people, but are they an erotic fantasy? No, quite the opposite. Why should I get with women that I CAN'T get with?

I don't want to flame you, so let me end on a positive note: I admired you admitting to your boyfriend. You doing this proves your trust in a relationship. As for what to do now... I'm honestly not sure. I feel the same as you.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread