To the lesbians/queer women

I think it's probably less that you're attracting more MTF folks vs scaring off a lot of queer women in general. Sometimes folks who have traits that make it a little more difficult in the dating world cast a wider net than others.

Your pics are nice! Love your main. Definitely delete at least one of the "sports bra on an office floor" pics, I'd suggest both. Do you still do rugby? You'll get to know every lesbian in Portland that way.

Your questions indicate you're not as liberal as most lesbians/Portlandians, that's not something you need to change it's just a thing to be aware of for dating on OkCupid where those potential incompatibilities stand out.

Looking for some fun and friendship! In an open relationship looking to check out the laaaadies.

You're playing at a disadvantage since you have a boyfriend and you're exclusively looking for women, and you're exacerbating the problem by referring to it as "fun and friendship." I get the message you aren't poly and don't want to seriously date, but are you going to want to date at all? The "laaaaaaadies" thing plays into the "women with boyfriends treat me like lifestyle accessory and not a person" worry a lot of non-monogamous queer women have. I'd definitely suggest sending first messages to other queer women with boyfriends out there, though! They'll know where you're coming from.

What I’m doing with my life

Good stuff!

I’m really good at

Not terrible but the stream of consciousness thing you go into in the middle isn't working.

The first things people usually notice about me
Probably my genuine, laid back, down to earth disposition. I'm pretty comfortable with myself overall, including my faults. I don't put on any fronts or play any games. I don't even wear make up (though that's more of a laziness issue). I have a nervousness that can come off as endearing as I stumble my words. I also have a very dry, tongue in cheek sense of humor that people usually either get or they don't...Sometimes when first getting to know me folks can't tell I'm joking and think I'm just weird.

About once a year or so someone will ask about my accent which is funny because I've lived here nearly my whole life...still trying to figure that one out (while not feeling too self conscious)...

Overall I think I strike a healthy balance between perky and cynical. I might seem overeager and excited to talk to you, but I'm just an eager person. I jump up and down when my SO surprises me with fast food. So don't take it too personal.

Try to add some of that humour to your profile! Jokes > "I'm funny" every time. Don't tell me about what you don't do. I'd also steer clear of the SO mention here, you're simultaneously saying "don't think you're hot shit I probably don't even like you" and "here's something I like about my SO."

I spend a lot of time thinking about


On a typical Friday night I am
Avoiding my friends, family, dearest loved ones for some good ol fashioned alone time

This doesn't tell me anything about what it'd like to date you, except that maybe you'll avoid me most of the time. Try swapping this out with fun stuff you do on a night you do do something social.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
Sometimes at home I don't wash my hands after I pee. Instead, I run the water so no one gets suspicious... But really though I'll let you know anything if you ask! No shame.

Like, you'd know better than I do, but shouldn't doctors be super into hand washing? That's not a critique of this section, it's fine.

You should message me if
You are female. Regardless of who you are or what you say I always appreciate the interest and taking the initiative and putting yourself out there. You don't have to entertain me or come up with something funny or witty just for me to treat you like a person.

Delete this and replace it with something that gives me an idea of what you're actually looking for. "If you'd like to <date idea 1> or <date idea 2> or if <slightly more relationshippy thing like a road trip quest> sounds like a good time to you" is a pretty common template.

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