Less than a week of mutual NC and my stupid LO contacted me

I don't know...from personal experience excessive talking solves nothing. I mean...what is closure anyway? You already know everything. He knows everything. The closure is in our heads. If it is too painful for both to cut the ties, you may as well keep on being "friends", though I don't believe it's possible.

That must be one of you who is responsible to call it a quit. I have been in "semi-reciprocal" limerence situation. Both unavailable, friends from a long time, distance and all. And to be honest, I never considered us compatible (from my side is only emotional), but we have been friends for more than a decade. He was very attached as well. So he initiated NC, though I didn't want it. I said why can't we be friends? I still texted from time to time, he sent short generic replies. Generic replies made me feel resentful, so I blocked him myself. because I don't want another generic "Merry Christmas". NC means NC. We don't write to each other anymore. I know one day we will, but I am not attached anymore. And unfortunately, another LO landed on my head.

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