Lessons in Logic - #BringBackClarkson isn't about whether PC has gone too far. It's about the public justifying an alleged assault for its own entertainment interests.

I'm now bored with this, and have other stories to work on.

But I'll leave you with this. I don't have an affiliation to any individual newspaper or magazine that would print a column because I am a wires journalist. But my work appears in national newspapers and magazines all over the world.

Secondly, if I had more time, I would gladly debate with you that the title is not patronising, but is in fact duly apt for the course of my analysis.

Please do not assume that my intentions are to say everyone who disagrees with my views, or who reads and opposes my analysis is an "illogical fuckwit", because that is fundamentally untrue, and is only a projection of your interpretation which you are trying to label as my view. Which it is not. As you will see, I have in no way criticised the individuals who have signed the petition, but merely highlighted an important oversight made on their behalf.

I titled it as such because it is a lesson in logic. It is a logical step-by-step breakdown of a petition which has side-tracked the public debate on an issue, and which actually shows a greater problem within society - the ability to commit a criminal act and be allowed to get away without investigation or punishment because the public like you. But you are entitled to your opinion.

Again, I am sorry you feel patronised, but I'm also not, because nobody has the right to not be offended or feel patronised, so get over it and why don't you actually ADD something to the debate that is relevant, rather than pursuing the messenger as you have chosen to do so.

I will not reply to you any further because I believe you are now on the attack because you were upset/angered/offended/patronised. Well as Stephen Fry said: "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."

And fuck me, right? How dare I put MY voice on a public Internet forum and appear condescending. How very unfucking PC of me.

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