Let me guess what Rey's new films will be about

Somewhere in Hollywood is a writer scribbling away. Oh, he just broke his pencil. And now he can't remember where he put the pencil sharpener.

He's been searching for the last three hours and he hasn't found it. It hasn't occurred to him to drive to a store and buy one.

Why isn't he using a pen? He hasn't thought of it.

Why isn't he using his computer? He can't remember the password and he doesn't know you can change it.

Wait, he just remembered the password!

Oh, wait, no... Oh... oh, that's not good.

His computer is half-submerged in his backed up toilet where he accidentally dropped it.

There are many "screenwriters" lined up behind him for the job and he feels the pressure.

It's time to gnaw the pencil into something resembling a point.

/r/saltierthancrait Thread