Let me tell y’all about the tunnel under my house

I had a couple of plumbing issues with draining that I couldn’t fix in sinks, and I noticed both toilets in the house were a little loose. I tried tightening the master toilet (mine) down and it worked, but the shared bathroom toilet just wouldn’t get any tighter and wobbled all over the place. So I call, and the plumbers come and snake the drains I need snakes and try to tighten the toilet as I did. However, they had the same issue. They tell me they’re going to remove the toilet to see what’s going on underneath and lo and behold, the wax ring and phalange valve are SHOT. The phalange valve was actually lead and the plumber laughed saying he hadn’t seen one in years and it looked like it was welded poorly. He told me they’d have to jackhammer a few feet of the slab to get a new valve in there. So I’m stuck with an open pipe for the next couple days.

/r/Plumbing Thread Link - reddit.com