I let my coworker touch me even though I'm engaged.

i think a lot of people don't know that there are 4 trauma responses: most people know fight or flight, many know about freeze, but not many know about fawn. fawning is more common in trauma survivors, and means that the person in the situation is afraid that if they don't go along with what the other wants, they will be hurt or traumatized worse. that could be why you opened your legs.

or like the other commenters are saying you made the decision to cheat. i don't think we will ever truly know but i am a trauma survivor who has experienced the fawn response in the past so idk i guess my perspective is different from a lot of the others on here.

more likely this is probably made up or op is exaggerating their disgust about the situation to get more people on their side, and if it's the second one it really rubs me the wrong way.

/r/relationship_advice Thread