Let’s share birth stories. Can anyone relate to Kailyn?

1st baby (son) was a preemie and I walked in at 6:45pm and had him at 9:15pm the same day. Basically it was a nightmare Labour and I begged for the epidural which they refused to give me. Finally a nurse gave me the epidural and I literally laid back and had my son 2 min later, didn't hurt too bad I guess it worked in time. Wasn't a bad Labour just terrible experience as I was young and scared and they treated me like garbage.

2nd baby I was 22 and our car had broken the week before so I walked to the hospital 30 minutes away. It was for an appointment but I was in alot of pain so when I told them I thought I was having my son they checked and I was 5cm dilated which was awesome. About an hour later I was pushing him out and he was 9 pounds. I had the epidural but it did not work at all. God damn I swore I was done he tore me so badly I could barely sit.

Last November I had my only daughter. She refused to come out. On my due date (halloween) I had just got the kids costumes on and my water broke. I still took them out and was in alot of pain so I decided to head to the hospital to learn I was only 1cm dilated. They tried every drug to get her out and I didn't use any pain meds until Nov 2nd at 12am. I was exhausted and only 4cm, I was going to have a c section at 7am so they upped the epidural so I could sleep. At 3am I woke up and felt alot of pressure, I had her delivered at 3:15. Not alot of pain and I was sent home with the baby 8 hours later. It was so nice to recover at home.

So basically both my boys were 2-3 hour labours and my only daughter was 2 damn days...

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread Link - i.redd.it